ESP_ Compuesta por tres canales de vídeo Full HD, "The Scarred Transporter" documenta la performance realizada en Terramar con el fin de poner en conflicto la utopía tecnológica y algunos abusos que la sociedad de consumo perpetra en su nombre. Para ello, esta pieza recurre a una estrategia impostora -en ocasiones cercana a lo absurdo- y al contraste de localizaciones inhóspitas, empleando metraje rodado en los Andes, la Patagonia argentina y el desierto de las Bardenas Reales de Navarra.
(1) TST - Desert Findings
(2) TST - Glacier Findings
(3) TST - The Terramar Performance
TST - Desert Findings, 2013 (fotograma / video still) |
TST video making-of_
ENG_ Consisting of three Full HD video channels, "The Scarred Transporter" aims to document the Terramar performance whose main goal is to confront technological utopianism with some clear abuses consumer society commits on its behalf. To do so, this piece uses a deceiving, often times preposterous strategy along with contrasting, desolate landscape and seascape footage shot in the Andes mountain range, the Argentine Patagonia and the Bardenas Reales of Navarre desert.
ENG_ Consisting of three Full HD video channels, "The Scarred Transporter" aims to document the Terramar performance whose main goal is to confront technological utopianism with some clear abuses consumer society commits on its behalf. To do so, this piece uses a deceiving, often times preposterous strategy along with contrasting, desolate landscape and seascape footage shot in the Andes mountain range, the Argentine Patagonia and the Bardenas Reales of Navarre desert.
(1) TST - Desert Findings
(2) TST - Glacier Findings
(3) TST - The Terramar Performance
Proyecto realizado con la colaboración de / With the support of the Spanish Ministry of Culture
Beca a la creació i el pensament contemporani en l'àmbit de les Arts Visuals
Visual Arts Grant awarded by the Autonomous Government of Catalonia
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